Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Greek Artists Database

Hello everyone, recently I was added in Artaz.gr. A database of greek artists working in Greece or around the world for the design industry. I am happy that I finally was added to a site of my country and you can actually view the site in English so you can read my little bio. Check it. http://www.artaz.gr/eng/alexakis.html HaVe FuN

Monday, July 16, 2007

Borat step by step

This is one of my most favorite pieces. Borat is a funny character and I have been a fan for a while. I took one of his sayings "God, man, horse, dog woman and then little critters" and created this piece. Here is how my painting was done. First i did couple of thumbnail sketches but I knew that the layout had to be diferrent to fit with the crazy personality this character has. I created a full rendered skecth. I always like doing that because I can use the actual sKetch as an overlay on the final piece like it happened on this one. After painting the piece and throwing lots of textures and brush strokes I lost my line work so I duplictaed my drawing layer and trhew on top as an overlay at 20%. After The whole thing was painted I created a layer and darkened the bottom left of the piece so the focus was his face and not the bottom. Enjoy my process and please feel free to leave any comments. HaVe FuN.

Architectural renderings

It has been a while since I updated my blog so I decided to update it. The last couple of months I have been trying to lenarn how to create architectural renderings fast and clean. I am not sure I am there yet. I believe I need to treat these more like artwork instead of just renderings, which is a result of timing issues, these need to be created in less than 8 hours each. I believe the perfection of the pieces will come with time and experience.Here are some of the most descent ones. Most of them are digital and the wine bar is rendered half on the computer and half gouache. Tell me what you think.