Tuesday, June 24, 2008

house renderings

I ve been painting a lot lately and most of y paintings are buildings, homes, aerial views of soon to be residential areas, and very complex interiors with certain lighting , fabrics and lots and lots of furniture. I ve decided to change my style of my renderings to somethign more fun so I just throw a lot of color sometimes I just throw color just because I felt like it. Well here is a sample of my houses. I hope you like it......

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Portrait of SLug

Slug is the MC of the Hip Hop Duo Atmosphere. I ve been listening to his music and lyrics for the last 3 years. He usually raps in an intensely personal, often introspective style, acting as a kind of storyteller relating his own experiences to his audience. Slug's songs often deal with alcohol problems, tour life and depression, and his difficult and destructive relationships with women. So here is SLug tell me what you think.........